
His favourite thing right now is heavy machinery. So when I saw a few excavators working on our street we just had to go for a walk and take a closer look.

Contrasting Legacies

24 years and 11 days ago, my grandfather died. 
I have a reminder of him every day as I wear his wedding ring on my hand.
He was a caring, kind, generous man who adored his family and sports. He was an architect, a math teacher, and more then that, he was a great grandfather. He took time to talk to me, he taught me how to use his Apple Macintosh 128K, he was interested in what I liked, and he always invited me to watch sports with him on his 10 inch colour tv at his house.

One of my favourite sports memories was watching the 1999 UEFA Champions League final with him. He was an avid Bayern Munich fan as he had lived in Germany and gone to German schools. Bayern was winning 1-0 at the 90th minute, when out of nowhere, Manchester United scored 2 goals in extra time. He was not happy with the result but we agreed it had been the most shocking game we had ever seen.

He died on January 1, 2000. He had always wanted to live to the year 2000 and he did! I still miss him dearly today and wish I could have another chat with him, tell him how I’m doing, and tell him about all the crazy soccer games I’ve seen in the last 24 years…

My other grandfather died yesterday. 
He was 100 years old.
He didn’t really care about me and he didn’t care about my family, and so his death feels very different. He was a mean, racist, priviliged man, who in the 70’s helped instill Hugo Banzer as dictator of Bolivia. I’ll never understand why he despised my famliy so much – maybe it was because my mom has dark skin, or maybe something happened that I’ll never know about – whatever the case might be, I’m not really sad that he’s gone. What I am sad about is the pain he caused while he was alive, especially to my own dad.

The last time I saw him sums up our relationship really well. I was driving down the streets of Newark, Delaware with my mom and sister and we stopped at a crosswalk to let an old man cross the road. I had a double take and noticed it was my grandfather! I watched him in bewilderment as we drove away. He had made the trip all the way from Bolivia to Newark, Delaware and didn’t tell us.

AI Generated Ray Romano’s

Here are some images I made of Ray Romano using various AI tools.

“Ray Romano Cartoon”
Is that a printer talking behind him?

Ray Romano Cartoon

“Ray Romano talking to a printer”
On one hand he has about 12 fingers, on the other he has none!

Ray Romano talking to a printer

“Ray Romano eating a printer”
Enough said.

And finally…

“Ray Romano discovering dinosaurs for the first time”
“Look at these beautes'” – Ray, probably.